The Stradman's C8 Z06 Controversy

Did he do it for the money?

For those that aren’t aware of James Lucas Condon aka “The Stradman” he is a YouTuber that has become famous for his car collection. He was recently allocated a new Corvette C8 Z06 (number 31) where he didn’t have to pay a markup and got the car at the MSRP price of $173,000.

Now the issue is that he hasn’t kept the car long and it appears he is flipping the new Corvette Z06 and taking a pretty profit on the sell ($218,200). There are a good amount of people that upset and felt GM gave him this opportunity and he turned it into a profit for himself. See his response below about people’s reaction to him selling the Z06.

His response starts at the 6:29 mark.